Registered members with skyticket can check their reservations made after logging in to My Page.
NOTERegistered members who make reservations without being logged in to their account during the reservation process will be considered Guests reservations. |
- Access the Log-in Page
- Enter your registered e-mail address and password, and click "Log In"
You can reset your password if you do not remember your password you have registered.
- Enter your e-mail address, your Last Name and First Name in the Request for Password Reset page and click "Send" (an e-mail will be sent to your registered e-mail address)
- Access the URL in the text of the password reset e-mail sent to your registered e-mail address
- Enter your registered date of birth, telephone number, new password, new password (confirmation) and click "Send"
- Registration of multiple memberships with a single e-mail address is not permitted
- If you have incorrectly registered your e-mail address, please log in with the registered e-mail address and then change it to a correct one in the Registration Information section on "My Page"
- For enquiries about skyticket membership, please contact us at
- In the unlikely event that you do not know how you have made the registration, please contact skyticket with your name, telephone number and a brief description of the issue
- If an error message appears when resetting your password, even if you have entered the correct information, there may be an error in your registration information
Kindly contact skyticket with your name, e-mail address and other relevant information