A: Canada is an expansive nation with significant climatic variations across its regions. Below are suggestions for appropriate attire in various cities.
Vancouver experiences one of the most temperate climates in Canada, with winter temperatures seldom dropping below 0°C (32°F). Attire comparable to winter clothing found in Japan will ensure a comfortable visit to Vancouver.
Winter in Vancouver extends from November to April and coincides with the rainy season.
Bringing a raincoat and boots could be advisable to shield yourself from the rain.
Winters in Toronto are extremely frigid, often experiencing temperatures that can feel as low as -20°C (-4°F).
Consequently, it is crucial to wear thick down jackets, gloves and boots during this season.
When selecting outerwear, it is essential to ensure that it features a hood, provides coverage for the hips, is waterproof, and can withstand temperatures as low as -20°C.
Conversely, indoor environments in Canada tend to be quite warm, making it prudent to opt for lightweight and easily removable clothing.
Situated in the eastern region of Canada, Montreal is recognized as one of the coldest cities in the nation, experiencing winter temperatures that can plummet to -30°C.
Similar to Toronto, it is crucial to have heavy outerwear, warm down jackets, gloves and boots.
For indoor attire, given the warmth, opting for lighter clothing is recommended.